Our Mission & Strategic Plan
Our Mission: To be the recognized leader for business growth, talent development and regional prosperity.
Our Vision: To be the premier business organization driving member and community success.
Our Values:
- Collaboration
- Engagement
- Inclusion
- Innovation
- Integrity
- Leadership
- Member-Focused
SSPC Strategic Objectives:
- Member Value and Engagement
- Business Growth and Economic Expansion
- Talent Development
- Influence and Advocate
- Operational Excellence
Strategic Plan
The Sandy Springs/Perimeter Chamber of Commerce's (SSPC) five year strategic plan will guide the Chamber's work in effectively developing our roles and responsibilities aimed at advancing our business community. Creating a shared vision and working to accomplish a common mission moves us forward together – beyond simply the sum of what any one of us can accomplish alone. The development of this plan has reinforced our belief in both the strength that each staff and board member brings to the Chamber and the critical role of partnership and collaboration. It is in those internal and external relationships that our defined values are most critical. Our core values echo what we as individuals embrace when working together and with the public.
This strategic plan provides a broad road map for the SSPC and is intended to be a dynamic and integrated effort. The overarching goals, which our Chamber staff and board members will help achieve, provide a balanced framework of what needs to be done reach our vision and fulfill our mission. The plan contains objectives and strategies committing us to delivering greater value to our members, maximizing the Chamber's organizational skills, supporting economic development in the region, influencing public policy and promoting regional partnerships.
To achieve the full potential of this plan, every board member, staff member and volunteer must use this plan to help guide their work.
We look forward to working together to implement our plan and achieve the objectives of the Sandy Springs Perimeter Chamber.